Monday, May 24, 2010

Kid's Got Dancing Feet this Summer

The kids enrolled at MMB Dance Center for a six week summer dance program. Chloe continued with her ballet class and joined the HipHop class for the first time. This summer is Carl's second summer in HipHop class. Their culminating activity was held at St. John's Institute Gym last May 15, 2010. As always, MMB once again showcased the talents of our children, making us, parents, proud to be there in the audience - watching, cheering, and yes, also congratulating ourselves for our persistence in sending our kids to dance school despite the expenses involved and precious time taken off from work.

Here's the video of Carl, Chloe and the rest of the HipHop / Jazz Kids 2 class during their rehearsal:

Video of Chloe and Beginners 3 Ballet Class during their culminating day:

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