Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer Activities for the Kids (2011)

Summer means no school, no homework, no sleeping early at night and no waking up early in the morning.  It is a long-awaited time for students to take a rest from these routines.  The problem with having too much time on their hands however, just gave them more time to spend in front of the television and the computer.

So this summer, just like the previous ones, the kids again enrolled at MMB Dance Center to continue their dancing lessons. During the school year, the kids - Carl and Chloe - attended a twice weekly dancing lessons at MMB.  Chloe was into ballet and hiphop/jazz, and Carl was joining the Hiphop/Jazz class.  For this summer MMB held a 7-week dance workshop, with students attending lessons three times a week.  Chloe continued with her Ballet and Hiphop/Jazz classes, and also joined the contemporary dance for the first time.  Carl also continued with the Hiphop/Jazz class.  Capoeira, also known as Brazilian martial art, was introduced at the school this summer, and Carl and cousin, Kristian Intel, joined the group.

MMB held its culminating show called "16th Summer Dance Workshop 2011" at St. John's Institute gym last May 21, 2011.  Here are videos of Carl, Chloe and Kristian taken during the technical night last May 20. 

Happy viewing folks ...

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