Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Toe Shoes

Chloe finally wears toe shoes during her Ballet lessons. Her toe shoes were bought last May 2010, in preparation for her upgrade to Beginners 4 ballet class. Although they were not yet using them, she had been constantly wearing them at home, even without toe pads. She twirls and dances around the living room like a little ballerina. Last Monday, after her ballet lesson, she exclaimed proudly that she will not be using her old ballet shoes anymore. Because from that moment on, they will be wearing their toe shoes during every lessons.

A few tidbits about Chloe's love for dancing:

  • She almost didn't attend the leadership training at Don Salvador because she didn't want to be absent from her hiphop and ballet class.
  • She told me yesterday that she would like to enrol in dance sports.  (I have to find a school first, and check her schedule. Maybe next summer would be a good time!)
  • One of the first things she does upon arriving home from school, is to take off her school shoes and wear her toe shoes and watch TV or dance around, even using it when waveboarding.  Sometimes, she even does her assignments and projects with her toe shoes on.
  • She will be dancing during the nutrition week in August, and she's already giving me the list of things she will be needing for the dance.
  • In her Plurk account, she wrote:  "Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!"

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